FingerTec News | 05/06/2018
Auto Scan NFC Checkpoint with TimeTec Patrol
In previous release of TimeTec Patrol, security guards will have to search and choose the checkpoint first before verification can be done while touring the compounds. For better efficiency, TimeTec Patrol now includes the capability to Auto Scan a checkpoint. This enhancement is implemented to help security guards speed up their checkpoint verification and increase their overall productivity.

Basically, security guards from this point onwards will only be required to tap their smartphone on the NFC Tags after starting a tour and the system will automatically handle the rest, i.e. which checkpoint is being scanned as shown below:



For more information on how to get started with the configuration, feel free to also check out the article provided here.

TimeTec Patrol is a cloud-based guard touring solution that provides companies with a way to manage the guards patrolling the premises effectively. Security is never a compromise and your investment in TimeTec Patrol ensures that you manage all security aspects of your organization. Click the link below to discover more about the state-of-the-art Smart Solution: TimeTec Patrol

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